Last updated: 8/27/2021

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Disk Map

Note that this page is currently under construction. I plan on adding general information as to what each file is, how to open each file, and provide a link to the relevant tutorial on how to modify the file(s) in question. Basically, this page won’t be finished until this entire project is finished.


  • S**H = cutscene has a letterbox, 320x120p
  • S**F = cutscene takes up the entire screen, 320x240p

Disc 1

  • \M1
    • All FMV cutscenes for Small Village
      • All are H except for S08
      • All are around 14.98 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S05.STR
    • S06.STR
    • S07.STR
    • S08.STR
    • S09.STR
  • \M2
    • All FMV cutscenes for Desert Base
      • All are around 14.98 fps
        • S12F is 15 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S10F.STR
    • S11F.STR
    • S12F.STR
    • S12H.STR
    • S13F.STR
    • S14F.STR
    • S14H.STR
    • S15F.STR
  • \M3
    • All FMV cutscenes for Blue Island + Winged Demon fight
      • All are around 14.98 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S15F.STR
    • S16H.STR
    • S17H.STR
    • S18F.STR
    • S18H.STR
  • \M4
    • All FMV cutscenes for Desert + Yanron fights
      • All are around 14.98 fps
        • S21H is 15 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S19H.STR
    • S21H.STR
    • S22F.STR
    • S23H.STR
    • S24F.STR
    • S25H.STR
  • BGM11.XA
    • 8 tracks, all at 37800 Hz stereo
  • BGM12.XA
    • 8 tracks, all at 37800 Hz stereo
    • Intro movie
    • 320x240p, 14.985 fps, 37800 Hz stereo
    • Boss textures?
    • Enemy and level textures, probably has models in it as well
    • Possibly SFX? jPSXdec can’t play these so I don’t know what they are
    • 8 tracks, all 4 seconds long at 18900 Hz stereo
  • NULL2.XA
    • Possibly SFX? jPSXdec can’t play these so I don’t know what they are
    • 8 tracks, all 4 seconds long at 18900 Hz stereo
  • NULL3.XA
    • Possibly SFX? jPSXdec can’t play these so I don’t know what they are
    • 8 tracks, all 4 seconds long at 18900 Hz stereo
    • Opening cutscene
    • 320x240p, 14.985 fps, 37800 Hz stereo
      • Higher FPS version can be found here
  • PM1A.XA
    • Voice acting for real time cutscenes
    • 8 tracks, all at 18900 Hz stereo
    • Image font used for damage display. Could have more in there
  • SLPS_012.91
    • Executable
  • STG1.PAC
    • Unknown

Disc 2

  • \M5
    • All FMV cutscenes for Evacuated City + Blue Crystal Shrine
      • All are around 14.98 fps
        • S55H is 15 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S26F.STR
    • S26H.STR
    • S27F.STR
    • S27H.STR
    • S28H.STR
    • S29F.STR
    • S30H.STR
    • S55H.STR
  • \M6
    • All FMV cutscenes for Crystal Maze
      • All are around 14.98 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S31H.STR
    • S32H.STR
    • S33F.STR
    • S34F.STR
    • S35F.STR
  • \M7
    • All FMV cutscenes for the boat ride + Glowing Cave
      • All are around 14.98 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S36F.STR
    • S37F.STR
    • S37H.STR
    • S39H.STR
    • S40F.STR
    • S40H.STR
  • BGM21.XA
    • 8 tracks, all at 37800 Hz stereo
  • BGM22.XA
    • 8 tracks, all at 37800 Hz stereo
    • Same as Disc 1?
    • Same as Disc 1, but most likely has different enemies in it
    • Showcase movie that plays when a finished game save is present
      • Features prototype models
    • Same as Disc 1?
  • NULL2.XA
    • Same as Disc 1?
  • NULL3.XA
    • Same as Disc 1?
  • PM2A.XA
    • Voice acting for real time cutscenes
    • 8 tracks, all at 18900 Hz stereo
    • Same as Disc 1
  • SLPS_012.92
    • Executable
  • STG1.PAC
    • Unknown

Disc 3

  • \M8
    • All FMV cutscenes for Decimated City + Kahaku boss fight
      • All are around 14.98 fps
        • S56H is 15 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S41F.STR
    • S42H.STR
    • S43H.STR
    • S56H.STR
  • \M9
    • All FMV cutscenes for the Infu fight
      • All are around 14.98 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S44F.STR
    • S45H.STR
    • S46H.STR
  • \M10
    • All FMV cutscenes for the final level + final boss fight
      • All are around 14.98 fps
        • S50H is 15 fps
      • Audio is 18900 Hz stereo
    • S47H.STR
    • S48H.STR
    • S49H.STR
    • S50H.STR
    • S51H.STR
    • S52F.STR
    • S53F.STR
  • BGM31.XA
    • 8 tracks, all at 37800 Hz stereo
    • Same as Disc 1
    • Same as Disc 1
    • End credits
    • Same as Disc 1?
  • NULL2.XA
    • Same as Disc 1?
  • PM3A.XA
    • Voice acting for real time cutscenes
    • 8 tracks, all at 18900 Hz stereo
    • Same as Disc 1
  • SLPS_012.93
    • Executable
  • STG1.PAC
    • Unknown