SaGa Frontier – Damage Calculations

NOTE: This is a rough translation of sections of None of the information presented here was obtained by me. All credits go to the administrator of the Choi Research Institution and its contributors. 

There is potential for this information to be outdated and/or incorrect as the last time the source website was updated was in 2013.

Last update: 5/11/2021

Important Note

The formulas listed on this page are a translation of data obtained from analyzing the game in its vanilla state. Therefore, if you use some impossible combinations that are only possible via hacking (e.g. using Twogun with ShootingMastery), the calculations may be skewed from the in-game results.

Parameter Definitions


  • The attack power of the weapon you’re using, including compensation from any and all WEA Up

wWeight (Weapon Weight)

  • The weight of the weapon you’re using

STR, QUI, INT, WIL, PSY, VIT, rHP (remaining HP)

  • The final status of the character, including compensation from any and all stat changes (i.e. buffs and debuffs)


  • The weight of the character


  • The final defensive strength of the target, including compensation from any and all DEF Up/Down
  • Refers to the defense of the same attribute as the tech being used
    • If the tech has more than one attribute, it refers to the defense of the attribute with the lowest value
    • If the attack is used after the first move of a combo, the defense is 0

PSY, VIT, mHP (maximum HP), rHP (remaining HP)

  • The final status of the target, including compensation from any and all stat changes


  • The weight of the target

bPow (Basic Power)

  • The basic amount of damage for a tech that isn’t affected by status effects or other factors
  • Related page: Technique List


  • The higher this value is, the more damage you deal
    • This includes combos
  • Related page: Technique List

cCost (Consumption Cost)

  • The WP/JP to be spent
    • Reflects the actual cost, including factors increased or decreased cost (e.g. SoulRune, Overdrive)

cAmmo (Ammo Cost)

  • The number of bullets consumed by the gun you’re using
    • When using Twogun, the ammo consumption of the secondary gun isn’t affected
    • Reflects the actual bullet consumption
      • If ammo cost is 5 but bullet count is 3, ammo cost is now 3

Dist (Distance)

  • The distance between the attacker and the target
    • There is no way to check this directly in the game

cFacing (Orientation Correction)

  • Note that the visual orientation of the character doesn’t always match the orientation parameter of said character (Sprite Facing and Real Facing)

cCombo (Combo Correction)

  • If the attack is used after the first move of a combo, it takes a value of +100. Otherwise, the value is 0

Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers

  • If a Battlefield Peace Divisor is enabled, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 0.25
  • If both the attack and the target are Mystics (excluding Mesarthim), then the final attack damage is multiplied by 0.25
  • In all other cases, the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

Twogun Multiplier

  • If the attacker has Twogun and two or more guns equipped and the tech used corresponds to Twogun, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.75
  • In all other cases, the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

ShootingMastery Multiplier

  • If the attacker has ShootingMastery equipped but not Virus, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.5
  • In all other cases, the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

CombatMastery Multiplier

  • If the attacker has CombatMastery equipped but not Virus, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.5
  • In all other cases, the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

nHits (Number of Hits)

  • The number of times you successfully hit your target when using a Rapid Fire Damage I or Rapid Fire Damage II tech
  • The number of hits depends on cAmmo. However, while nHits for Rapid Fire Damage II = cAmmo of all guns, nHits for Rapid Fire Damage I = cAmmo of the primary gun
    • This means that nHits with CrossShot (Rapid Fire Damage II) will increase with Twogun equipped, but not for Crosshair (Rapid Fire Damage I)
    • In addition, nHits is limited to 10, so even if you use CrossShot with Twogun equipped, nHits will not exceed 20

Enemy Multiplier

  • If the attacker is an enemy character, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 0.33…
  • If the attacker is an ally character, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

MagiSphere Multiplier

This parameter is exclusively for the Duel against Rouge in Blue’s scenario

  • If the tech used does not match the MagiSphere, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 0.25
  • If they do match, then the final attack damage is multiplied by 1.0

Normal RNG

  • A random integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 65535
  • Related page: RNG

Calculation Rules

  • In parentheses, calculations are performed in order from left to right, with priority given to modulo calculations, and any values after the decimal point are truncated before the next calculation
    • All calculations that are underlined do not get truncated
  • If subtraction calculations output a negative number, the output is corrected to 0
    • Example: “X = (10 – 22) x 3 + 5” becomes “X = 5”
  • “A (mod B)” means “mod A / B”

Tech/Spell Application: Sword Techniques

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E + F + G

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = STR² * WEA * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (STR² + 1600)
    • C = (WEA – DEF) * (50 + STR + wWeight) ÷ 32
    • D = WEA * Growth
    • E = (Growth – 2) * (200 – Dist) ÷ 8
    • F = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction
    • G = cFacing

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * CombatMastery Multiplier * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Additional Explanation:

Damage is increased by WEA and STR with this formula

Tech/Spell Application: Gun Techniques and Specific Ammo-Based Heavy Weapon Techniques

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E + F

    • A = bPow * (1 + cAmmo) * 4
    • B = WIL² * WEA * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
    • C = (WEA – DEF) * (100 + WIL) ÷ 32
    • D = WEA * Growth
    • E = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction
    • F = cFacing

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * Twogun Multiplier * ShootingMastery Multiplier * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Tech/Spell Application: FocusShot and CrossHair (Rapid Fire Damage I)

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = WIL² * WEA * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
    • C = (WEA – DEF) * (100 + WIL) ÷ 32
    • D = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * nHits * ShootingMastery Multiplier * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Additional Explanation:

Compared to the formula described below, this one has higher potential because it takes Combo Correction into account. However, this does not get a multiplier from Twogun, so it’s very inferior in terms of general strength.

Tech/Spell Application: CrossShot (Rapid Fire Damage II)

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = STR² * WEA * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (STR² + 1600)
    • C = (WEA – DEF) * (50 + STR + wWeight) ÷ 32

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * nHits * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Supplementary Explanation:

Even though this is a gun technique, its damage depends on STR, so it’s a bit troublesome in terms of growth. In addition, since there’s no Combo Correction, the benefits of using this in a combo are limited.

Tech/Spell Application: Specific Ray-Based Heavy Weapon Techniques

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D

    • A = bPow * (1 + cAmmo) * 4
    • B = WIL² * WEA * 100 ÷ 32 * (Growth + b) ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
      • b = 2 if the attacker is a mec; otherwise, b = 0
    • C = (WEA – DEF) * (100 + WIL) ÷ 32
    • D = WEA * (Growth – 1)

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * ShootingMastery Multiplier * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Additional Explanation:

Damage is slightly increased if the attacker is a mec. In addition, since there’s no Combo Correction, the benefits of using this in a combo are limited.

Tech/Spell Application: Martial Arts (excluding throwing techs), and Others

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E + F

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = STR² * b * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (STR² + 1600)
      • b = (STR + QUI + VIT + 50) ÷ 4
    • C = QUI² ÷ 16
    • D = (Growth – 2) * (220 – Dist) ÷ 8
    • E = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction
    • F = cFacing

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * CombatMastery Multiplier * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Tech/Spell Application: Martial Arts (throwing techs), MightyCyclone, SwingDDT, Vandal Flip, PowerBomb

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E + F

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = STR² * b * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (STR² + 1600)
      • b = (STR + QUI + VIT + 50) ÷ 4
    • C = QUI² ÷ 16
    • D = (Weight + VIT) * Growth
    • E = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction
    • F = cFacing

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Tech/Spell Application: DSC

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D

    • A = bPow * nHits²
    • B = STR² * b * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (STR² + 1600)
      • b = (STR + QUI + VIT + 50) ÷ 4
    • C = QUI² ÷ 16
    • D = (Weight + VIT) * Growth

※BaseDamage should be ≦ 10,000

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * nHits
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

DSC’s nHits Formula:

NumberOfMoves = Normal RNG (mod N) + 2

    • N = (mHPrHP) * 3 ÷ (mHP + 1) + {(STR + QUI + VIT + 60) ÷ 4 – VIT} ÷ 20 + 2

※nHits must be ≦ 4

Additional Explanation:

DSC is often referred to as a “Single Person Combo” attack, but in reality it’s just a single attack. This means that it doesn’t ignore defensive values and can’t be combo’d into other moves, making it difficult to deal damage to enemies with high Blunt resistance.

The following gives a rough idea of nHits’ probability based on the enemy’s stats:

Tech/Spell Application: Monster Techs (breath), and Others

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = (b + VIT / 2 + Weight) * Growth
      • b = rHP ÷ 8 is attacker is an ally; b = rHP ÷ 16 if attacker is an enemy. However, b ≤ 80
    • C = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques)

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N * Enemy Multiplier

    • N = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers

Additional Explanation:

The less rHP you have, the less damage you will deal. The most influential variable is Weight, but since the limit is 99, there’s no point in making the character excessively heavy. Also, since there’s no Combo Correction, there’s little benefit from using this in a combo.

Tech/Spell Application: Spells, and Others

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = WIL² * b * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
      • b = (INT + WIL + PSY + 40) ÷ 4
    • C = PSY² ÷ 16
    • D = (INT + WIL + PSY + 100) ÷ 4 * 2 * cCost
    • E = (Growth – 2) * Combo Correction

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * Enemy Multiplier * MagiSphere Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Additional Explanation:

WIL is the most important factor in tech damage, but the effects of PSY and INT cannot be ignored. It’s worth noting that variable D increases with cCost. This is where the strength of Tower lies. Due to space limitations, I didn’t include it in the list of techs, but techs that deal damage based on cCost have a chance of “FinalDamage/11” to remove the damage-reducing Heavenly Peace Divisor effect caused by Fool. (Since the damage is rarely less than 11, it’s almost guaranteed to be removed)

Tech/Spell Application: Bloodsucker, Grasp, GhostTouch, FireKiss, HPDrain, BloodSucker, and Lord’sDinner

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C + D + E

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = WIL² * b * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
      • b = (INT + WIL + PSY + 40) ÷ 4
    • C = PSY² ÷ 16
    • D = cCost² ÷ 2

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 11)

Additional Explanation:

There are some differences, such as the lack of Combo Correction, but it’s roughly the same as magic spell damage. The amount of damage you deal will be the amount of HP you restore.

Tech/Spell Application: RavaShot

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A + B + C

    • A = bPow * 4
    • B = WIL² * PSY * 100 ÷ 32 * Growth ÷ (WIL² + 1600)
    • C = PSY² ÷ 16

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = n * Enemy Multiplier
      • n = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques)

Additional Explanation:

Damage is increased if the target’s PSY is high. The only technique that this applies to is RavaShot. Despite the fact that there’s a special formula just for RavaShot, it can only be used by Arachne, a boss exclusive to Red’s scenario.

Tech/Spell Application: ChaosStream

Basic Damage Formula:

BaseDamage = A if attacker is an ally

BaseDamage = B if attacker is an enemy

    • A = (bPow + PSY) * {Normal RNG (mod Growth + 1) + 1} * P * Q
    • B = PSY * {Normal RNG (mod 5) + 1} * Q
      • P = 1 if MagiSphere is Time; otherwise, P = 2
      • Q = 2 if attacker is in OverDrive; otherwise, Q = 1

Final Damage Formula:

FinalDamage = N + M

    • N = {BaseDamage * (128 – VIT ÷ 4 – DEF) ÷ 128 – DEF} * Battlefield and Mystic Multipliers
    • M = Normal RNG (mod Number of Learned Techniques + 101)

Additional Explanation:

This formula is very different when used by an ally and when used by an enemy. Either way, the damage isn’t consistent. It also has a hidden feature that doubles damage when used in OverDrive.