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Category: video

2nd SaGa Frontier PB in a Row – 23:14

I got a back-to-back PB! I did not expect this to happen at all. I can still save a bunch of time in Magic Kingdom and Hell to getting fewer encounters. Watch the run here:  That’s all I wanted to say. I’m speechless. – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games

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New Blue’s Story PB – 23:56 (5TH PLACE)

This came out of nowhere. I was just doing offline attempts to practice for stream tomorrow, and it happened, somehow. Watch the run below:  This run was better than my 24, but can still be majorly improved. I had better menuing and movement overall, but I was sloppy in TimeLord’s Region, I got an […]

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New World Record in Fast Rolling Any% – 4:52.94

Hey, guys!   Happy new year! It’s been forever since I’ve posted here. I apologize for that. Recently, I’ve been speedrunning a game called Fast Rolling live on my Twitch and YouTube channels, going after the coveted world record. Well, today, it finally happened. Not only did I beat the previous world record by a […]

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Face My Fears – Acapella Cover

Hey, all! Face My Fears Acapella is now live on YouTube and Soundcloud! For those of you who don’t know, Face My Fears, by 宇多田ヒカルHikaru Utada and Skrillex, is the official theme song for Kingdom Hearts 3 (which btw is the greatest game ever and you should totally buy it cuz it’s on PS4 and […]

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Company Rebrand

Today marks the day that I start the life of an adult. To celebrate, I have redesigned Flippin’ Fun Video Games from the ground up. You may have noticed that there is a new logo when you came to the website. I will explain the inspiration behind this logo as well as why I decided to update the look of the company so soon after the 2016 rebranding.

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