Developer’s log is listed in reverse chronological order. That is, newest entries are first to appear.
9/6/2019 – 8-9 pm
- Full Livestream VOD
- Worked on draft Victory and Souper images:
7/5/2019 – 6-6:30 pm
- Fleshed out Joseph’s stage selection script
- It’s surprisingly a lot simpler that the character select script, which I should revamp at some point
6/18/2019 – 8-10 pm
- Worked more on UI
- Updated the fonts on all the text
- Switched from Arial and Autumn to Commando
- Primarily the settings menu UI since it’s just stock Unity stuff at the moment
- Realigned everything to be cleaner
- Created new apply and reset buttons
- Updated the text to Commando
- Added a custom checkmark for all the toggles
- Added a custom pickle chip for the slider handles
- Updated the character selection menu slightly
- Moved the cancel button to encompass the entire selection grid
- Moved the FIGHT button to world space so it renders behind the characters
- Also found out you can interact with buttons in world space, even with 3D models in the way, which is sick
- Updated the fonts on all the text
- Progress so far:
6/11/2019 | 5, 8 – 10 pm
- Full Livestream VOD (had to be split up because my streaming software broke midway through the stream)
- Updated the intro animatic song slightly
- Changed around some instruments and their timings and some notes
- Added a pad
- Progress on that:
- Got started stylizing the character select screen
- Mostly used images from the dummy mockup
- Had to make 6 new icons for the fighters since I only made 3 beforehand
- Changed the script so, when a player selects “random,” it doesn’t switch to the random character
- Also switched the capsule with a 3D canvas that has a question mark on it similar to the text icon
- Progress so far:
6/10/2019 | 7 – 10:20 am, 11:05 am – 1:10 pm
- Begun work on actually making the intro animatic song (shouldn’t be done in Soundtrap on my laptop, but I don’t know any other program and I don’t exactly trust the WST computers to handle much, so screw it)
- I decided that the other one that I made a few days ago would make for a good credits song
- I don’t know if I’m going to round it out with the rest of the song or leave it as is quite yet
- Inspired by this anime OP cuz I really like the music and the visual style of it
- And I’m also gonna maybe include some references to it cuz memes and it’s a visually pleasing anime
- Decided to make it kind of a hype vintage remix of the original main theme song
- Based it off of some elements from the credits song
- The only super hard part was writing the drums and writing the last section
- Writing MIDI drums is hard and I don’t know how to play drums, so it’s even harder to get a good drum line
- The last section is 5/4 instead of 4/4, and Soundtrap likes 4/4 a lot, so it was hard working with it for 5/4
- Luckily, I wrote sheet music for the main theme, so I didn’t have to work as hard to get the timings right
- At least I got to round it back to 4/4, which was kinda hard and I did it in a weird, cop-out way
- Just extended the ending to fit back into 4/4 and had it climax so I could hide it
- Soundtrap also decided to be a cunt and unfreeze half my tracks and not work properly
- Sometimes it even unfroze all of them, forcing me to spend another 10 min freezing them again
- It was a struggle to even play the song
- Removed all the reverb from every track cuz I want it to sound super tight, not echo-y
- The only flow-y part in it will be the same as in the main theme song
- I somehow managed to finish it
- Makes sense since most of the work was already done for me, I just had to put things into place in the right way
- Somehow, it reminds me of the Wii Sports theme song
- Probably because I have multiple instruments doing the same thing in different octaves and the genre and chord style are very similar
- I decided that the other one that I made a few days ago would make for a good credits song
- Progress as of 10:20 am (length is about 1:48):
- Transferred all my files that I worked on for the project to two USB drives to be submitted to some thingy
- It’s required by Bremerton, so I have to do it
- Had to wait all class to get it transfered cuz write speeds from a USB3 HDD to a USB2 thumb drive are ass
6/6/2019 | 11:05 am – 1:10 pm
- Begun work on making the intro animatic song
- I want it to be more retrowave than anything
- I also want it to be based off of the orchestral main theme that I arranged
- I’m actually conflicted if this should be the intro animatic or the credits song
- It sounds like a song you would hear on Rainbow Road, but also it could work as a intro
- I decided to add some more high energy stuff to it so it sounds more hype than like a closure
- Some things I’m gonna do for the time being:
- Add the Smash Bros. Melee announcer scream at the end until I get Xander’s recording of him screaming Supper Time
- Add the actual main theme at the end so people know what it’ll sound like in-game
- Cut it short a bit so I can gauge reactions and see if the team wants it longer or if it’s fine the way it is at the moment
- Progress so far:
6/5/2019 | 11:15 am – 1:10 pm
- Begun work on the intro animatic
- The first intro cutscene is just teasing stuff, this next one will show more gameplay and introduce the characters
- Watched a ton of fighting game intros to get inspiration
- Decided to make a whole new song just for this
- Got a basic loop down that people like
6/4/2019 | 11:30 am – 1:10 pm
- Updated the Intro Cutscene on YouTube to include the sunbursts
- Apparently I uploaded the wrong version of the cutscene. Whoops:
- Got back to work on fixing the menu animations
- Decided to use the Any State function in the Animator and it made everything so much cleaner
- I somehow got it to work
- I had some pretty poor variable management, so I made it slightly better and it fixed everything
- Exported the main menu to a package so Xander can use it in his version of the project
- He has the fighting part of it, so he’ll need it to set up character selection and transitioning to the fighting scenes
6/3/2019 | 9 – 9:55 am & 11:15 am – 12:55 pm
- Continued work on the intro animation
- I’m making kind of a 3D effect where the characters and the background move based on their position
- Since the West Sound Tech computers don’t have Hitfilm installed, I had to use my laptop, which wasn’t the best experience
- Decided to have the fight scene pan inwards towards Mistress Maple
- Even added a blur effect to Big Kaiser and Count Legume so it looks like the camera is moving forward
- Made a super quick mockup of a trophy out of some clipart
- Also colored some stock image of an outreaching hand
- Decided to go back and add a sunburst to each scene
- Everything looks much better now, and it was super fast and easy to add
- Literally just a blank image that I masked to look like a sunburst
- I’m most likely going to redo the settings menu like this since it’s pretty low res right now
- Everything looks much better now, and it was super fast and easy to add
- I’m making kind of a 3D effect where the characters and the background move based on their position
- I somehow managed to finish it with zero problems
- Ideally, I want to be able to do this with 3D models so it’s more adaptive and so I have more control over everything
- Progress so far:
6/2/2019 | 7 – 10 pm
- Fixed a problem where the introductory animation wouldn’t play properly
- It kinda played both the intro and the static menu animation at the same time
- Fixed by adding some more checks and a secondary static that plays before the intro
- Got started on fixing the bug where the menu would break after entering another menu
- I got nowhere with it
- Got started on the introduction animation
- Got 3/4 through making an outline in Hitfilm
- Every fighter is Goku since I don’t have good concept art for all of the characters yet
- Got 3/4 through making an outline in Hitfilm
- Progress so far:
5/30/2019 | 11:06 am – 1:10 pm
- Continued work on the menu animations
- Finally got around to programming yesterday’s animation and it works like magic
- It even fixed the UI bug detailed yesterday, which is super awesome
- Made an introductory animation that puts the main menu and logo into place
- Got a new bug where the leave animation would play before the hover animation
- Didn’t end up having enough time to finish debugging. I got nowhere with it, anyway
- Got a new bug where the leave animation would play before the hover animation
- Finally got around to programming yesterday’s animation and it works like magic
5/29/2019 | 12:05 – 1:10 pm
- First day working on this in place of the LEGO Bossfight
- Got to work adding more animations to the menu
- Partially to make it look better, partially to fix a bug where the buttons stay in their position after being pressed:
- I only had time to make an animation that plays when the player makes a choice. Didn’t have time to program it
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