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Category: fishy2

I got the Fishy2 Preview% world record again

I’ve done it again. 1:02.8 today. I have no words right now. I discovered a faster level 7 strat and I destroyed Sibley. Watch the epic run below:  – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games

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I got the Fishy – Fishy2 Preview% world record! 1:04.913!!!

So about a day ago, the world record for Fishy – Fishy2 Preview% was taken by Silby. That same day, I grinded for 5 hours, bringing my PB down from a 1:09 to a 1:04.913, edging out Silby for first by 0.119 seconds! It was an insane run. Watch it below:  That’s all. Just […]

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New Fishy World Record

A bit of context: the developer of Fishy, Keron Veal, released an update for the first Fishy today. In this update, he added a mode that brings in 10 levels from Fishy2. I decided it would be a great use of my quarantine time to spend four hours on getting the world record for completing […]

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I improved my first Fishy2 WR

Like the title says, I improved that world record on an offline run. There were a few optimizations that I discovered watching flarebearSR run All Levels (he’s the current WR holder for that btw). Most of the time save was in the extra levels at the end since I figured out you can make the […]

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I got one of the first world records in Fishy2

So Fishy2, the long-awaited sequel to indie hit Fishy, finally hit the market today for a whopping $10. I’ll spare you the energy and say that it is not worth that price. It’s barely worth $5 in its current state. I would either wait until the game goes on sale/the price drops, wait for a […]

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