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Category: announcement

I “remastered” the first SaGa Frontier trailer!

I redid the first trailer shown for SaGa Frontier! I think it turned out really good, despite my difficulties with getting Soundtrap to do the music properly. Anyway, go watch it:  Also there’s a Soundcloud link in the video description. – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games

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Added a new translated page: SF1 – Damage Calculations

This page goes over some damage calculations for SaGa Frontier 1. It’s not quite as in-depth as Zaraktheus’ Data/Mechanics Guide, but it does offer some formulas that he didn’t document. You can find the page here: SaGa Frontier – Damage Calculations

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I remixed Blue’s final boss theme!

Many thanks to SkankinGarbage for helping out with this. This song wouldn’t be half as good without his advice. I’m really proud of how it turned out. Now to see if ItoKen will like it…  – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games

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I got a decent Red PB now; 1:20:02!!!

Was a decent run except I got stuck with Smash and KaiserWing of all the fucking things headed into solo Shuzer, which forced me to go get the VitalityRune. Dodges were also not nice to me, but hey at least I only got +16 encounters instead of +17. Anyway go watch the run it’s cool: […]

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I restored a cutscene that was hidden in SaGa Frontier’s files!

I found this cutscene in the US release version of the game. Here’s my work:  The tools I used were psxfin 1.13, HxD, and CDMage. Here’s how I got everything working: Edited IMF0BD.IMG’s MAP Movement code to transition to IMF350 instead of IMF008 Edited the spawn position so T260G would be out of frame […]

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