Hey, y’all! A new episode of TrollCraft just went live! Watch the episode below: Also, you should subscribe! I need 100 subscribers to live stream from my phone, which is the only form of live streaming I can do at the moment, so if you wanna see me do stuff live, get me back to […]
Category: Uncategorized
Hey guys! Part two of my Moab trip is now live on my channel! Watch it below! Why not subscribe to me, too, while you’re watching that video? That’s all from me. Love you guys! -Michael Shaw, President/Founder at Flippin’ Fun Video Games
Hey y’all! Part 1 of my trip to Moab, Utah is now live on my channel! You can watch it below! Update on moving: We are now locked into buying the house that we want! We’ll move out of our current house on August 29th. Don’t worry, I’ll vlog the entire thing and reveal where in […]
Hey, peoples! I have some big news, as you can guess by the title of the post; I now have an upload schedule for my YouTube videos! I will be uploading every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at NOON PST. You can get more details by watching the video below: https://youtu.be/2k2TCKcR-9c Now it’s update time! We […]
Hey guys! I know this post is a bit late, but a new video is live on my channel! It’s episode 6 of TrollCraft. It is a shorter episode, but only because the raw footage was filled with mining and building. Watch the video below: https://youtu.be/1AT_R5OfIlE And now updates on house stuff! If you haven’t […]